
Wishlist Components And Page For Tailwind CSS (E-Commerce) The wishlist components and pages are a crucial part of any e-commerce website and have grown very po ...

Wishlist Table

A table-style component to display a user's saved or favorite products in an e-commerce setting. This style includes product images, names, prices, stock status, and action buttons (e.g., "Add to Cart" or "Contact Us") for each item.

Wishlist Table with Circular Product Images

A wishlist table component featuring circular product images and a clear display of current and previous prices. This style provides a visually appealing and informative overview of saved items, helping users easily compare prices and make purchasing decisions.

Wishlist with Product Cards and Action Button

A wishlist component that displays products in an eye-catching card format featuring an image, color, title, and price for each item. It includes two call-to-action buttons, "Checkout" and "Remove," providing users with convenient options.