Progress Bars

Tailwind CSS Progress bars by TailGrids. You can display progress, skills and indicators for any specific item. Progress bars are a great way to show users or c ...

Simple Progress BarFree

A basic, linear progress bar that visually represents the completion status of a task or process. It's easily customizable with different colors and lengths to fit your design.

Multiple Color Progress Bar VariationsFree

A collection of progress bars showcasing a different solid color to represent a task or process's progress visually. It offers flexibility in choosing the appropriate color to match the design needs.

Progress Bar with Inline PercentageFree

A linear progress bar with the percentage of completion displayed directly within the bar itself, eliminating the need for a tooltip and offering a more compact display.

Progress Bar with Percentage TooltipFree

A linear progress bar with a tooltip displaying the percentage of completion when the user hovers over it. This style provides a clear and informative way to show progress.