Tailwind CSS Blog UI Components, Pages, Examples and Templates by TailGrids - All essential components and elements you need for blog such as - blog grids, b ...
Search Components
⌘KRecent Blog GridFree
This component features a grid layout of recent blog posts, enabling quick browsing of the latest news and updates. Each post includes a title, publication date, brief description, and an image for visual appeal.
Recent Blog Grid with Side Cards
This component displays recent blog posts in a grid layout with side cards for extra content. Main blog cards show titles, subtitles, descriptions, and "Read More" links, each with an image. Side cards offer additional post previews with similar details without images.
Recent Blog with Popular Articles Section
This component presents a dynamic layout that combines recent blog articles with popular ones. It starts by showcasing the latest news with images, author details, titles, descriptions, and tags indicating the article's topics. Following this, the component features a grid layout of popular articles, images, titles, and author names.
Recent Blog with Newsletter Subscription
This component showcases the latest blog articles with images and brief details, encouraging quick browsing of recent content. Each item includes an image, topic subtitle, title, publication date, and comment count. Moreover, it offers a newsletter subscription form to keep users updated.
Recent Blog With Sorting Option
This component presents a grid layout of recent blog articles, allowing users to browse through the latest content easily. Each article has an image, author details, a title, and a brief description. Additionally, users can sort the articles based on popularity or other criteria.
Blog Details with Comment Section
This component provides a comprehensive view of a blog post, including its content and an interactive comment section. It enables users to dive deep into the details of the blog post while also facilitating engagement and interaction through comments.
Blog Details with Sidebar and Newsletter
This component provides a detailed view of a blog post with a sidebar featuring additional content and features. It offers users a comprehensive experience by showcasing the post alongside related and popular articles, plus a newsletter subscription form.
Modern Blog Cards with Action Icon
These modern blog cards offer a sleek design for showcasing the latest blog posts. Each card includes essential details like tags, publication dates, titles, and brief descriptions. The cards feature a dark background with rounded edges. Additionally, an action icon button lets users interact with the content, enhancing user engagement.
Tech and Tools Blog Highlights
This section highlights the blog with modern design and key details. Each item has a relevant image and a subject title. Tags like "tech" and "tools" aid navigation, while the publication date adds context. The sleek, dark theme enhances readability.
Featured Blog with Animated Image and CTA
This component showcases a blog grid with animated images on hover that capture attention. Each featured blog post is presented alongside its title and a brief excerpt, inviting users to explore the content.