Toggle and Switch
Tailwind CSS Toggle & Switch Buttons are designed for TailGrids, a set of Toggle Buttons with Toggle, Switch, Reset, and Text Modes. Toggle Switch Tailwi ...
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⌘KSlide Toggle SwitchFree
This is a visually intuitive toggle switch that allows users to activate or deactivate a setting. The switch features a sliding indicator that moves seamlessly between the "on" and "off" positions.
Slide Toggle Switch with Blue IndicatorFree
A slide toggle switch with a distinctive dark background and a blue sliding indicator. This style provides a high-contrast visual representation, making it clear whether the switch is on or off.
Slide Toggle Switch with Color-ShiftFree
A unique toggle switch that visually changes its background color when toggled. The color change offers clear feedback on the switch's state.
Slide Toggle Switch with Dot IndicatorFree
The switch features a dot indicator that changes between a dark circle with a dark border in the inactive state and a blue circle with a white border in the active state.
Slide Toggle Switch with IconsFree
A slide toggle switch that displays a checkmark icon when active and an "x" icon when inactive, providing clear visual feedback about the current state of the switch.
Slide Toggle Switch with Inner DotFree
A slide toggle switch features a small dot within the slider knob that changes color to indicate the switch's state. The dot provides an intuitive visual cue.
Slide Toggle Switch with Inner ShadowFree
A visually engaging toggle switch featuring a sliding indicator and an inner shadow effect on the track, creating a subtle depth and a more tactile appearance for the toggle interaction.
Slide Toggle Switch with LabelsFree
A slide toggle switch designed for switching between light and dark themes. It features "Light" and "Dark" text labels on either side of the switch and a sliding indicator.
Slide Toggle Switch with Reverse Dot IndicatorFree
A slide toggle switch with a light background and a circular dot indicator. The dot changes from blue to white when the switch is toggled on.
Slide Toggle Switch with Status TextFree
A slide toggle switch that changes the background color and includes a label with text that dynamically indicates the on/off state. This style provides clear visual and textual feedback to the user.
Slide Toggle Switch with White IndicatorFree
A visually clear toggle switch featuring a solid blue background and a white sliding indicator that visually moves to the right when toggled on.
Theme Switcher with IconsFree
A visually distinct theme switcher within a box-like container. The switch features icons representing light and dark modes, making it easy for users to differentiate and select their preferred theme.
Theme Switcher with Text and IconFree
A user-friendly theme switcher component with light and dark mode options. The switch features text labels ("Light Mode" and "Dark Mode") accompanied by corresponding icons for intuitive recognition.