Chat Boxes

You can use TailGrids Tailwind Components to create chat boxes on your Dashboard. Chat boxes allow users to share quick information, images, files, documents ...

Chat Box with Message Input and Attachments

This is a chat component designed for real-time messaging. It features a header with the chat recipient's name and image, a scrollable chat area displaying the conversation history, and a text input field with buttons for sending messages and adding attachments.

Chat Message Card with Status Indicator

This is a styled chat message component for displaying conversations between users. This card-like component includes user profile pictures, message timestamps, and text bubbles with distinct colors for sent and received messages. It also includes an online/offline status indicator.

Group Chat Message Card with Image and Audio

A chat message component designed to display group conversations with support for images and audio messages. It features a header with the sender's name, active status, and a group avatar display. Showcases individual messages, either text-based, audio, or images.

Chat Message Card with Seen Status

A chat message component for displaying conversations between users. This style features profile pictures, timestamps, and message text with small tails to indicate the sender. It also includes a "seen" indicator for replies, offering visual feedback on message status.