Featured Products
Featured Products Components And Page For Tailwind CSS (E-Commerce) The feature component page is an important one because it highlights all the products tha ...
Search Components
⌘KFeatured Products Section with Hover Actions
It includes a grid of product images, each with a subtle hover effect that reveals product details and quick action buttons for adding to cart, viewing a quick view, or adding to a wishlist with price and discount tags.
Featured Products with Image Overlay
It features a split layout with one larger and two smaller product images, each with a semi-transparent dark overlay that reveals product details and a "View All" button on hover.
Featured Products Section with Tags
A section designed to showcase featured products in a three-column grid layout. Each product card displays an image, title, subtitle, and price. Products can be labeled "New" or "Hot" with eye-catching badges to attract attention.
Featured Products Section with Grid Layout
A visually engaging section showcasing a featured product collection in a grid layout. Some products are highlighted with larger images for emphasis. Each card displays an image, title, price, and a star rating.
Featured Product Card
A card-style component designed to showcase a single featured product prominently. This style includes a large product image, a title, a subtitle, a brief description, and a call-to-action button.