
Pagination code snippets and examples in different styles and structure based on Tailwind CSS created by TailGrids. Pagination Tailwind component is a small ...

Simple Pagination with Numbered ButtonsFree

A straightforward, minimalist pagination component featuring numbered buttons for navigating between pages. The active page is highlighted with a distinct color.

Rounded Pagination with BorderFree

A compact pagination component featuring rounded number buttons encased within a visually distinct border. This style provides a clean and modern.

Bordered Pagination with EllipsisFree

A compact pagination component with bordered buttons, including an ellipsis (...) to indicate omitted page numbers when dealing with numerous pages.

Circular Pagination with Rounded BorderFree

A compact pagination component featuring circular number buttons encased within a visually distinct rounded border. This style provides a unique and visually appealing way to navigate.

Pagination with Previous/Next ButtonsFree

A compact pagination component that displays the current page range (e.g., "Page 1 to 10") and includes buttons for navigating to the previous or next set of pages.

Pagination with Buttons and EllipsisFree

A compact pagination component featuring "Previous" and "Next" buttons, along with numbered buttons and an ellipsis (...) to represent omitted page numbers when dealing with larger sets of pages.