
Notifications are an important part of any Dashboard and you can design them according to your needs and preferences. Luckily for you, using TailGrids - Tail ...

Primary Confirmation Toast with Close ButtonFree

A visually prominent notification component with a primary color theme to alert users of a successful action or event. It features a checkmark icon, a success message, and a close button.

Success Toast with Close ButtonFree

A visually noticeable notification component alerts users of a successful action or event. It features a green background, a checkmark icon, a success message, and a close button.

Success Toast With IconFree

A visually distinct notification component that alerts users of a successful action or event. It features a green border, a icon, a success message, and a close button.

Toast with Image and ButtonFree

A notification toast that includes an image (e.g., user avatar, product image), a message, and a close button for dismissing the toast.

Toast with ProgressbarFree

A notification toast designed to display ongoing tasks or processes. Features a progress bar to visualize the completion status, a message indicating the task in progress, and a close button.

Update Notification Toast with CTAFree

A notification toast that alerts users of available updates. It features a blue accent color, an informational message, and a "Update Now" button to encourage the user to take action.

Warning Toast with Close ButtonFree

A prominent notification toast component that displays a warning message to the user. This style features a red exclamation point icon, a concise error message, and a close button for dismissing the toast.

Toast with Accept and Decline Buttons

A notification toast with interactive buttons that allow users to accept or decline an action or request. The toast displays a user image, message, and the two action buttons.