Tailwind CSS Checkbox for TailGrids, Simple but powerful way to add a stylish and highly customizable Checkbox to your Tailwind CSS projects. Checkbox Tailwi ...
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⌘KSquare Checkbox with Dot IndicatorFree
A basic square checkbox with a visually distinct dot indicator appears in the centre when the checkbox is selected. This style provides a clean and simple way for users to make choices.
Square Checkbox with Checkmark IconFree
A square checkbox that displays a blue checkmark icon when selected. This style indicates that the checkbox has been activated.
Square Checkbox with Cross-Line IndicatorFree
A square checkbox that displays a cross-line icon (an "X") when selected. This style often indicates a negative choice or deselection, providing a clear visual cue to the user.
Circular Checkbox with Dot IndicatorFree
A circular checkbox with a filled-in dot indicator appears in the center when the checkbox is selected. This style provides a softer, more rounded alternative to traditional square checkboxes.
Circular Checkbox with Inverted Dot Indicator Free
A circular checkbox with a white dot indicator against a colored background, reversing colors when selected to indicate activation.