Dashboard Dropdowns

Dashboard Dropdown components for Tailwind CSS crafted by TailGrids. These dropdown buttons function similarly to select elements but offer more flexibility, ...

Dashboard User Profile Dropdown

A dropdown menu component for displaying user profile information and actions within a dashboard. This style features the user's avatar or profile picture as the trigger, and the menu typically includes options like "My Profile," "My Contacts," "Account Settings," and "Logout."

Notification Dropdown Menu with Action Buttons

A dropdown menu component for displaying notifications within a dashboard. This style features individual notification items with user avatars, names, and message previews. Each item has an expandable dropdown with action buttons. A "View All Notifications" button is included at the bottom.

Message Dropdown Menu with Action Buttons

A dropdown menu component for displaying messages within a dashboard. This style features individual message items with user avatars, names, and previews of the latest message. Each item has an expandable dropdown with action buttons. A "View All Messages" button is included at the bottom.