
Tailwind CSS Tabs crafted by TailGrids is designed to make it easy to create responsive, fluid, and readable tabbed layouts with pure Tailwind CSS. Nav-tabs is ...

Simple TabsFree

A simple horizontal tabbed interface for organizing content. Users can click tabs to switch categories, active tab is highlighted with a distinct color.

Colored Tabs with Icons

A vibrant horizontal tab interface featuring colourful tabs with icons for enhanced visual appeal. A matching coloured underline for intuitive navigation indicates an active tab.

Framed Tabs with Button Styling

A horizontal tab interface with buttons for each tab contained within a visually distinct, fully framed card-like container.

Numbered Tabs with Inverted Color

A horizontal tab interface with numbered tabs on a dark background. The active tab has white text and a badge, while inactive tabs feature white text and muted badges.

Numbered Tabs with Underline Indicator

A horizontal tab interface with each tab number labelled and highlighted by an underlined indicator when active. This style offers a clean, modern look and a clear visual cue for the selected tab.

Tabs with Active Tab Background Highlight

A horizontal tab interface with a distinct frame, where the active tab is prominently highlighted with a light-coloured background.

Tabs with Button Styling

A horizontal tab interface with a framed background, where each tab is a button with distinct styling for active and hover states. Offers a more interactive and visually engaging approach to tabbed navigation.

Tabs with Button Styling & Spacing

A horizontal tab interface with buttons for each tab contained within a visually distinct, fully framed card-like container. Clear separation between the tab buttons and the displayed content.

Tabs with Icons

A horizontal tab interface with a sleek underline indicator and icons for each tab. This style enhances visual clarity and adds a touch of personality to the navigation experience.

Tabs with Underline Indicator

A horizontal tabbed interface featuring a visually distinct frame and an underline indicator that highlights the active tab.

Tabs with Underline Indicator

A horizontal tab interface with a sleek underline indicator highlighting the active tab. The clean design and subtle animation create a modern and visually pleasing user experience.