Pricing Tables

Pricing Tables coded in Tailwind CSS, having pricing section is essential for a website when it's are showcasing a product or product and ready to purchase. Pri ...

Pricing Plan Comparison TableFree

A table designed for displaying and comparing different pricing plans, with a visually highlighted "featured" plan. Each plan card includes the plan name, price, billing frequency, a brief description, and a list of key features.

Four-Tier Pricing Table with Feature Comparison

A pricing table component designed to present four tier subscription plans with a clear comparison of their features using checkmarks and cross icons.

Horizontal Pricing Table with Comparison

A horizontal pricing table component that allows users to easily compare different plans side-by-side. It features checkmark icons to clearly indicate which features are included in each plan.

Pricing Plan with Highlight Badge

A pricing comparison component featuring plan cards for easy comparison. One plan is prominently highlighted with a distinct background button color and a "Popular" badge.

Pricing Plan with Toggle and Badge

A pricing comparison component with a toggle switch allowing users to select between monthly and yearly billing options, with a badge highlighting the savings for yearly plans.

Pricing Plan with Toggle and Highlights

A pricing comparison component features a toggle to switch between monthly and yearly billing, with highlighted savings for yearly subscriptions. The "Best Choice" plan is visually emphasized to guide users in making the selection.

Pricing Table with Colored Buttons

A pricing table component designed to showcase multiple subscription plans with color-coded buttons for differentiation. Each plan card includes the plan name, price, billing frequency, and a list of key features.

Pricing Table with Key Feature Comparison

A pricing table with plan cards for easy feature comparison, highlighting a "Popular" plan with a distinct background and badge. Each card shows the key features with details and checkmarks or crosses.