Quick Views

Quick View Components And Page For Tailwind CSS (E-Commerce) Your e-commerce website could be taken to the next level with a product quick view window that is a ...

Minimal Quick View Modal with Color Options

A clean and focused modal component for e-commerce product pages, providing essential information and color selection options for a quick product overview.

Quick View Modal with Details and Customization

This quick view style features a product image, detailed information like name, price, stock status, description, and options for selecting color and size. It also includes "Add to Cart" and "View Product Details" buttons for users to act further.

Quick View Modal with Reviews and Details

A modal or popup component designed for e-commerce product pages. Features an image gallery with thumbnail navigation, prominent star ratings and review count, product details (color, size, description), and clear CTA ("Add to Bag" and "Add to Wishlist").

Quick View with Size and Color Selection

A modal or popup component for e-commerce websites, offering a quick product overview without leaving the current page. This style includes product image navigation, the product name, price, rating, stock status, and options for selecting size and color.