React Footers
TailGrids Website Footer for React was built with Tailwind CSS. Footers are essential for any website. It provides key information about sections, link lists, a ...
Search Components
⌘K- Alerts11
- List Styles9
- Tabs11
- Accordions5
- Form Elements4
- Paginations6
- Buttons33
- Badges9
- breadcrumbs12
- Progress Bars4
- Checkbox5
- Toast8
- Avatars12
- Toggle and Switch13
- Button Group3
- Dropdown Buttons4
- Tooltips3
- Page Titles5
- Gallery5
- Mega Menus3
- Verification Code Input4
- Sticky Bars4
- Spinners4
- Skeleton3
- Account Dropdown4
- ClipboardsNew4
- Date PickerNew4
- Time PickerNew1
React Footer with Quick Links and Contact InformationFree
A standard React footer component designed for quick access to essential links and contact information. It includes a company logo, categorized navigation links for easy browsing, contact details such as phone number and email, and social media icons for enhanced engagement.
React Footer with Contact Details and Social Links
Stunning React footer UI for e-commerce websites. It emphasizes prominent contact information, social media links, and a centered logo. This layout ensures customers have essential information readily available while encouraging engagement with the brand across social platforms.
React Footer with Dark Background and Gradient
A stylish React footer component with a dark theme, showcasing a company logo, contact information alongside social media links, three distinct link groups for navigation, a "Latest Blog" section with post previews, and bottom links that feature subtle underline hover effects. The design is enhanced with a gradient background for a visually appealing touch.
React Footer with Gradient Background
A stunning footer UI for React explicitly designed for e-commerce websites, featuring an eye-catching gradient background. It prominently showcases essential contact information and social media links to encourage engagement and incorporates a streamlined newsletter signup form to keep users informed and connected with the latest updates.
React Footer with Newsletter Signup
An all-inclusive React footer component featuring a newsletter signup form with an eye-catching banner. It includes a company logo with a concise description, three categorized link groups for seamless navigation, a dedicated section showcasing recent blog posts complete with images and previews, and essential footer links such as privacy policy and terms of service for comprehensive user interaction.
React Footer with Newsletter Subscription and Social Links
A clean and simple footer component for React applications crafted for e-commerce websites. It includes a company logo, contact information with icons for clarity, a newsletter subscription form, and prominent social media links for enhanced connectivity.
React Footer with Two-Color Top Bar Accent
A vibrant React footer component with a colored design featuring a unique two-color top bar accent. It incorporates a company logo, contact information with clear icons, navigation links for easy access, and a dynamic "Latest Blog" section that previews recent posts.