Vue Modal
TailGrids Vue modal components enhance your website's UI/UX. Modals are essential to display information or create interactive experiences. It boosts both usabi ...
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⌘KVue Success Modal with CTAFree
This is a basic Vue Dialogs component centered on the screen with an overlay. It includes a title, message, and two buttons: one for canceling and another for directing users to a details page.
Vue Access Request Modal with Steps Indicators
A Vue modal dialog component prompting users to grant access to third-party applications (e.g., Adobe, Google). It includes logos, a brief message, step indicators (dots) to show progress, and buttons to either "Skip" or proceed to the "Next" step.
Vue Confirmation Modal with Action Buttons
A Vue modal dialog to confirm user actions. It includes an information icon, a confirmation message, and two buttons: "Cancel" and "Submit". This UI provides a clear, user-friendly way to handle critical actions requiring user verification.
Vue Confirmation Modal with Checkmark
A Vue modal component designed to confirm user actions, it includes a checkmark icon, a confirmation message, and "Cancel" and "Confirm" buttons, offering a focused and visually distinct confirmation experience.
Vue Confirmation Modal with Image
A Vue modal dialog is used to confirm user actions. It includes an image, a clear confirmation question, and "Cancel" and "Confirm" buttons, providing a visual context for the action being confirmed.
Vue Congratulations Modal with Close Button
A simple Vue modal component designed to congratulate users. It features a smiling emoji icon, a customizable message, a "Know More" button, and a close icon to guide users toward additional actions or information.
Vue File Sharing Modal
A Vue modal dialog for file sharing, featuring a link to the file, a "Copy" button for easy copying, and options to invite collaborators or publish the file for public viewing.
Vue File Upload Modal with Progress Bar
A Vue file upload modal dialog with a drag-and-drop area, file size limit details, and a list of uploaded files with progress information. It includes actions like "Remove Upload," a cancel button, and an "Upload Files" button for user interaction.
Vue User Management Modal
A Vue modal dialog for managing user access in applications. It features a list of current users with their roles, a form to invite new users via email, and a close button ("X") in the top right corner.
Vue Warning Modal with Confirmation Button
A Vue modal component dialog designed to warn users about account deactivation. It includes a warning icon, a message explaining the consequences, and two buttons for user action.