
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Do you have questions about TailGrids? Our FAQ section answers common queries, troubleshooting tips, and best practices.

Get answers to all generally asked questions about installation, usage, dark mode, customization, framework compatibility, and more.

We are constantly adding new questions to address your needs.

Check out the Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I install TailGrids in my project?

We have provided clear instructions for installing using package managers (NPM/Yarn) and CDN links if you prefer. Please check the installation and usage section of our documentation for comprehensive guidance.

Do the components work in any JSX framework (React, Vue, Angular, etc.)?

We provide dedicated component libraries (opens in a new tab) for React and Vue, ensuring seamless integration. We are also planning to support additional frameworks.

Is there a dark mode available? How to enable dark mode?

Yes, dark mode is available for all our components and templates! We provide a way to enable dark mode for TailGrids components. For the most up-to-date guidance, please refer to the official documentation of Tailwind CSS dark mode (opens in a new tab).

How often is TailGrids updated, and how do I handle version upgrades?

We aim to update TailGrids regularly, including new components, features, and bug fixes. We may have a mix of major, minor, and patch releases. Our changelog transparently outlines changes, including any breaking changes that may require updates to your code.

Can I use TailGrids for free or only for paid plans?

We offer free and premium versions of TailGrids to fulfill different needs. Our free/open-source version includes all the essential components, while the premium plans provide access to 600+ components and templates. Explore our pricing page (opens in a new tab) to find what is best fit for you.

What if I discover a bug in a TailGrids component?

We take bug reports seriously and have a system for addressing them quickly. Please submit a detailed bug report on our GitHub Issues page (opens in a new tab) or through our designated support channels.

I have an idea to improve TailGrids. How can I contribute?

We wholeheartedly welcome community contributions! Whether it's a feature suggestion, bug report, or code contribution, your feedback is crucial in improving TailGrids. Explore our section on how to contribute, or contact us on our Discord channel (opens in a new tab) to get started.

Do you still have a question? Feel free to open a support ticket (opens in a new tab), and we will get back to you ASAP