Admino - Tailwind Dashboard and Admin Template
Admino - Tailwind Dashboard and Admin Template is a user-friendly and efficient solution designed to kickstart the website's admin panel or backend. It provides a simple and intuitive interface with essential dashboard elements designed specifically for the sales panel. With Admino, managing and monitoring the website becomes more seamless and effortless.
The template is built using TailGrids components and pages, and it combines the power of Tailwind CSS with the essential functionality required for the efficient website backend management.
Key Features:
- User-Friendly Interface
- Efficient Backend Management
- Essential Dashboard Elements
- Tailwind CSS Integration
- Seamless Navigation
- Orders and Sales Management
- Messaging and Notifications
- Sales Analytics and Charts
- Comprehensive Documentation
- Customizable Settings
- Account Management
Template Section and Pages:
- Home
- NavMenu
- Dashboard
- Orders
- Messages
- Notifications
- Sales
- Events
- Charts
- Docs
- Settings
- Account Settings
- Log In and Log Out
- Sales Analytics - Chart and Graph
- Revenue and Sales Section
- Product Table
- 404 Page
Admino - Tailwind Dashboard and Admin Template will be the perfect choice for anyone looking to kickstart their website's admin panel or backend. It provides a user-friendly interface, essential dashboard elements, and seamless integration. it is a powerful tool for efficiently managing and monitoring your website's administrative tasks. So, With Admino, you can save time and effort while effectively managing your website's backend operations.
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Template Information
Released on:28/01/2023
Last Updated:03/04/2024
Built with:Tailwind